Former Minister of Commerce, Bjorgvin G Sigurdsson, is running away from our questions.We have tried to get most of the people we thought would have answers to talk to us.
The so called "Vikings" were pretty much left alone . Maybe they have said enough? But we think it's fair that some of the people in key-positions during the collapse give us some answers, they owe the Icelandic people that much.
The former Head of the national bank , David Oddson did not agree to appearing in the movie. He did however answer our calls and took the time to say "thanks, but no thanks"
Björgvin G Sigurðsson the former Minister of Commerce hasn't been as polite though. He got an email and a call in November which he answered , asking for time to think it over. Since then many attempts have been made to contact him , via email as well phone.
No answer. It has to be said that we are extremely surprised at the way the Member of Parliament and former Minister conducts himself. Not only did he fail his nation but apparently he has no manners.