William K Black is a lawyer and his specialty is so called white-collar crime. He´s the author of the book „The Best Way To Rob A Bank Is To Own One"
I'm sure no one is surprised that we felt it would be right to meet up and have small chat with Mr. Black. He´s an incredibly busy person and it became increasingly hard to find the time and place to meet. He´s an incredibly busy person and it became increasingly hard to find the time and place to meet.
He was flying around conventions and seminars across the States but we finally managed to meet him in Washington where he was attending a two day seminar. At this seminar was a small army of Economists and Mr. Black insisted That Herbert and Gunni would meet with them. This resulted in them getting an invitation to attend the seminar, where they got the chance to meet some well known economists.
William black has strong opinions on who to blame for this fiasco. And people should listen carefully when the Icelandic Board of Commerce gets an F , to say the least.